Código: IELE-4910
Modalidad: Presencial
Horario: Del 24 al 28 de junio de 2024 Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes. De 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. y 1:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. (Hora Colombia).
Idioma: Español/Inglés
Créditos: 4
Prerequisitos: Dirigido a Estudiantes en semestres avanzados de cualquier programa de pregrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería o estudiantes de Maestría de la Facultad, en cualquier nivel.
The course will be delivered using a hands-on approach that involves practical workshops where the student will be able to validate the techniques taught, and develop his own solvers based on programming languages such as MATLAB and Python. The duration of the theoretical/guided sessions is estimated at 30 hours plus 10 hours for individual work.
This course is aimed at introducing students to the mathematical tools required for modeling and simulating electric power systems. The techniques here proposed cover both: distribution and transmission power systems as well as sequential and parallel processing. The techniques are currently part of EPRI’s
Open-source Distribution System Simulator OpenDSS, which thanks to recent advancements in its core, currently incorporates solution techniques for modeling and simulating a wide spectrum of electric power systems. OpenDSS will be used during the course for validation. The course will be delivered using a hands-on approach that involves practical workshops where the student will be able to validate the techniques taught, and develop his own solvers based on programming languages such as MATLAB and Python. The duration of the theoretical/guided sessions is estimated at 30 hours plus 10 hours for individual work.
This training is aimed at introducing the attendees to the mathematical tools required for modeling and simulating electric power systems. The techniques here proposed cover both: distribution and transmission power systems as well as sequential and parallel processing. The techniques are currently part of EPRI’s Open-source Distribution System Simulator OpenDSS, which thanks to recent advancements in its core, currently incorporates solution techniques for modeling and simulating a wide spectrum of electric power systems.
* CURSO REGULAR: Válido para estudiantes de pregrado y Posgrado en Uniandes.
(Pregrado $3.928.000 /Posgrado $6.740.000)
- EXTENSIÓN: Para interesados externos que requieren certificación de notas oficial del curso ($6.740.000)
- LIBRE: Para interesados en tomar el curso con certificación de asistencia. ($3.850.000)
Para inscripciones a través de Educación Continua (Libre o por Extensión), por favor remitirnos la siguiente información: Nombres y apellidos; Correo electrónico; Celular; Nombre del curso y Tipo de inscripción (Libre o por Extensión), al correo gestoriele@uniandes.edu.co
Consulta nuestra política de descuentos corporativos enviando un correo a gestoriele@uniandes.edu.co (Grupos de 5 o más personas, si inscriben el curso en modalidad libre, sin créditos y notas, tendrán un descuento especial del 20%. Grupos de 3 o 4 personas, si inscriben el curso en modalidad libre, tendrán un descuento especial del 15%). Si toman el curso con créditos y notas no hay posibilidad de descuento bajo ninguna excepción.